Category: Publications

Getting the Deal Through: Franchise 2024

Franchising in the market

How widespread is franchising in your jurisdiction? In which sectors is franchising common? Are there any economic or regulatory issues in the market that are more or less hospitable to franchising or make it economically viable …

ICLG: Fintech Laws and Regulations 2023 India

1. The Fintech Landscape

1.1 Please describe the types of fintech businesses that are active in your jurisdiction and the state of the development of the market, including in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

Is That You, Jim? : Scams Involving Trade Marks / IP

This is the digital era: there is no denying that the world is ruled by technology and the internet today. While the laws are trying their best to stay current (.in some cases, catch up!) with the changing world and…

It’s a Wrap – IP Roundup 2022


With practices and processes in India returning to some semblance of normalcy in 2022 after almost two years of covid-19-induced disruptions, the past year has been quite eventful. The Indian IP landscape witnessed various notable developments in the realms of policy, …

Global Data Review: Privacy 2023 – India

Key statutes and regulations

Privacy has been a continuously evolving concept in India, both legally and practically, and has been subject to increasing judicial scrutiny over time. The Supreme Court of India has come a long way from its earlier …

Certification Marks in India: What You Need to Know


The recent jurisprudential developments in trademark law around the world have led to the addition of non-conventional marks (eg, sound marks, smell marks and colour marks) to the trademark family. These non-conventional marks have been recognised as trademarks as …